Underlying projects and dependencies¶
Charmed HPC is a modular composition of underlying projects and dependencies. The tables below list the projects, charms, integrations, libraries, packages, and deployment plans that drive and manage the operations of a Charmed HPC cluster.
The underlying projects that compose Charmed HPC can be divided into three categories.
Core projects are projects that are maintained directly as part of Charmed HPC.
project |
source code |
bug report |
slurm-charms |
filesystem-charms |
sssd-operator |
slurmutils |
hpc-libs |
charmed-hpc-terraform |
Dependency projects are projects that are required for Charmed HPC to operate successfully, but are not maintained directly as part of Charmed HPC.
project |
source code |
bug report |
juju |
mysql |
mysql-router |
traefik-k8s |
glauth-k8s |
postgresql-k8s |
Optional dependencies¶
Optional dependency projects are projects that are not required for Charmed HPC to operate successfully, but can enhance the operations of a Charmed HPC cluster. Like dependency projects, optional dependency projects are not maintained directly as part of Charmed HPC.
project |
source code |
bug report |
grafana-agent |
grafana-k8s |
prometheus-k8s |
alertmanager-k8s |
loki-k8s |
catalogue-k8s |
Charmed HPC is composed of both Machine and Kubernetes charms.
Several of the charms include configuration options that are useful for customizing Charmed HPC deployments. These charms can also include actions that are useful for running common lifecycle operations on a deployed Charmed HPC cluster.
A charm does not have any modifiable configuration options or runnable actions if a table cell below is blank.
Machine charms¶
charm |
configuration options |
actions |
Kubernetes charms¶
charm |
configuration options |
actions |
Charmed HPC uses integrations to dictate how charmed applications communicate with each other.
integration |
interface implementation |
slurmctld |