How to access the Grafana dashboard

This how-to guide shows you how to access the Grafana dashboard to explore and analyze metrics collected from your Charmed HPC cluster.


Before accessing the Grafana dashboard, you should have:

Get the Grafana admin password and URL

To get the admin password and URL for the Grafana dashboard, run the get-admin-password action on the Grafana application leader:

juju run grafana/leader -m cos get-admin-password --wait 1m

Log into Grafana

Copy the returned URL into the address bar of your preferred web browser to open the Grafana login page. Enter admin as the username and the returned admin password as the password.


The get-admin-password action returns the initial admin password that is generated when COS is first deployed. The action will return a notice if the initial admin password has been changed by the COS administrator. If this is the case, you will need to get either a Grafana account or the admin password from your COS administrator.