Integrate with Canonical Observability Stack¶
This how-to guide provides instructions for connecting Charmed HPC to the Canonical Observability Stack (COS). This integration enables you to monitor your deployed Charmed HPC cluster by forwarding collected logs and metrics from your cluster’s services to COS for interactive analysis.
If you’re unfamiliar with operating COS, see the COS tutorials for a high-level introduction to the Canonical Observability Stack.
To integrate Charmed HPC with COS, you will need:
An isolated COS deployment with ingress enabled
An active Slurm deployment in your
machine cloudThe Juju CLI client installed on your machine
CLI command installed on your machine
Your COS deployment must have ingress enabled. If your COS deployment does not have ingress enabled, Charmed HPC will be unable to forward collected logs and metrics as COS will be unreachable over the network.
The instructions below assume that Charmed HPC and COS have their own, individual controllers, and that they are connected together with cross-model integration endpoints.
The instructions below also assume that the name of the COS controller is cos-controller
, and
that the model holding your COS deployment is named cos
. If the name of your COS controller is
not cos-controller
, or the name of your model is not cos
, substitute cos-controller
and cos
with the names of your COS controller and model in the commands below.
Connect to COS¶
Follow the instructions below for how to integrate COS with Charmed HPC.
Deploy Grafana Agent¶
First, within your charmed-hpc
cloud, use juju deploy
to deploy Grafana Agent
on your cluster:
juju deploy --model charmed-hpc-controller:slurm grafana-agent
Connect Charmed HPC to Grafana Agent¶
Still within your charmed-hpc
cloud, use juju integrate
to connect Grafana
Agent to your cluster’s applications:
juju integrate --model charmed-hpc-controller:slurm grafana-agent slurmctld
After integrating Grafana Agent with your cluster’s applications, Grafana Agent will install itself on each unit of the application to collect logs and metrics.
Before you connect Grafana Agent to COS, you’ll want to ensure that your charmed-hpc
can successfully contact your COS deployment over the network. To perform this connectivity check,
first grab the URLs of the COS services from Catalogue
by running the following command:
juju show-unit --model cos-controller:cos catalogue/0 --format json | \
jq '.[]."relation-info".[]."application-data".url | select (. != null)'
The piped output of the juju show-unit
command should be similar to the following:
juju show-unit --model cos-controller:cos catalogue/0 --format json | \
jq '.[]."relation-info".[]."application-data".url | select (. != null)'
Save these URLs as they will be useful in the Access monitoring resources section.
Check connectivity¶
To verify that your charmed-hpc
cloud can connect to your COS deployment, try to access
Prometheus by running the following curl
command with juju exec
juju exec --unit grafana-agent/0 \
"curl -s"
If the output of juju exec
looks similar to the success message below, this
means that your charmed-hpc
cloud can successfully contact your COS deployment:
juju exec --unit grafana-agent/0 \
"curl -s"
{"status":"success","data":{"startTime":"2025-02-06T19:09:05.141616388Z","CWD":"/","reloadConfigSuccess":true,"lastConfigTime":"2025-02-06T19:10:36Z","corruptionCount":0,"goroutineCount":56,"GOMAXPROCS":8,"GOMEMLIMIT":9223372036854775807,"GOGC":"","GODEBUG":"","storageRetention":"15d or 819MiB204KiB819B"}}
Make offers from COS¶
Now that you have verified that your charmed-hpc
cloud can connect to your COS deployment,
create offers in your COS deployment using juju offer
. You can use juju switch
to switch to your cos
juju switch cos-controller:cos
juju offer cos.grafana:grafana-dashboard grafana-dashboards
juju offer cos.loki:logging loki-logging
juju offer cos.prometheus:receive-remote-write prometheus-receive-remote-write
Consume offers in Charmed HPC¶
After making the offers in your cos
model, use juju consume
to consume the offers
in your slurm
model on your charmed-hpc
cloud. You can use juju switch
to switch to your slurm
juju switch charmed-hpc-controller:slurm
juju consume cos-controller:cos.prometheus-receive-remote-write
juju consume cos-controller:cos.grafana-dashboards
juju consume cos-controller:cos.loki-logging
Connect Grafana Agent to COS endpoints¶
Now use juju integrate
to connect Grafana Agent to the COS endpoints:
juju switch charmed-hpc-controller:slurm
juju integrate grafana-agent prometheus-receive-remote-write
juju integrate grafana-agent loki-logging
juju integrate grafana-agent grafana-dashboards
With Grafana Agent connected to COS, you can now use the URLs from the Get COS URLs section to access monitoring resources such as metrics, logs, and alerts collected from your Charmed HPC cluster. See the Access monitoring resources section below for how to access these monitoring resources through your browser.
Access monitoring resources¶
Follow the instructions below for how to view alerts, logs, and metrics collected from your Charmed HPC cluster after you have integrated your cluster with COS.
Access Grafana dashboards¶
First, in your terminal, retrieve the Grafana admin password with the get-admin-password
juju run grafana/leader --model cos-controller:cos \
--wait 1m \
The get-admin-password
action returns the initial admin password that is
generated when COS is first deployed. The action will return a notice if the
initial admin password has been changed by the COS administrator. If this is the
case, you will need to get either a Grafana account or the admin password from
your COS administrator.
Next, open your browser and navigate to the Grafana dashboard URL you received after running
the piped juju show-unit
command in the
Get COS URLs section.
Log in as the user admin
using the password returned by the get-admin-password
You can see the available dashboards by opening the sidebar menu and clicking on Dashboards
Next Steps¶
You can now use COS to monitor your Charmed HPC cluster. Explore the Grafana web interface to see what dashboards you can create using the metrics collected from your Charmed HPC cluster.