(howto-enable-job-profiling-with-influxdb)= # How to enable job profiling with InfluxDB Charmed HPC can integrate with the [InfluxDB Charm](https://charmhub.io/influxdb) to enable job profiling in Slurm. This guide explains how to enable job profiling by deploying and integrating `influxdb` with charmed-hpc. ## Prerequisites - A [deployed Slurm cluster](#howto-setup-deploy-slurm). ## Deploy and Integrate InfluxDB InfluxDB can be deployed using Juju in a single command: :::{code-block} shell $ juju deploy influxdb ::: Now [integrate](https://canonical-juju.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest/user/reference/juju-cli/list-of-juju-cli-commands/integrate/) the newly deployed influxdb charm with slurmctld: :::{code-block} shell $ juju integrate influxdb slurmctld ::: Once the InfluxDB charm deployment and integration are complete, Slurm is configured to send job profiling metrics to influxdb, enabling the use of the [`sstat`](https://slurm.schedmd.com/sstat.html) command.