--- relatedlinks: "[Slurm website](https://slurm.schedmd.com/overview.html), [Slurm charms repository](https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms)" --- (howto-setup-deploy-slurm)= # How to deploy Slurm This how-to guide shows you how to deploy the Slurm workload manager as the resource management and job scheduling service of your Charmed HPC cluster. The deployment, management, and operations of Slurm are controlled by the Slurm charms. ## Prerequisites To successfully deploy Slurm in your Charmed HPC cluster, you will at least need: - An [initialized cloud environment](#howto-initialize-cloud-environment). - The [Juju CLI client](https://juju.is/docs/juju/install-and-manage-the-client) installed on your machine. Once you have verified that you have met the prerequisites above, proceed to the instructions below. ## Deploy Slurm You have two options for deploying Slurm: 1. Using the [Juju CLI client](https://juju.is/docs/juju/juju-client). 2. Using the [Juju Terraform client](https://juju.is/docs/juju/terraform-juju-client). If you want to use Terraform to deploy Slurm, see the [Install and manage the client (terraform juju)](https://juju.is/docs/juju/install-and-manage-the-client) how-to in the Juju documentation for additional requirements. If you are deploying Slurm on [LXD](https://ubuntu.com/lxd), see [Deploying Slurm on LXD](#deploy-slurm-lxd) for more information on additional constraints that must be passed to Juju. :::::{tab-set} ::::{tab-item} CLI :sync: cli To deploy Slurm using the Juju CLI client, first create the `slurm` model that will hold the deployment. The `slurm` model is the abstraction that will hold the resources — machines, integrations, network spaces, storage, etc. — that are provisioned as part of your Slurm deployment. Run the following command to create the `slurm` model in your `charmed-hpc` machine cloud: :::{code-block} shell juju add-model slurm charmed-hpc ::: Now, with `slurm` model created, run the following set of commands to deploy the Slurm daemons with MySQL as the storage back-end for `slurmdbd`: :::{code-block} shell juju deploy sackd --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" juju deploy slurmctld --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" juju deploy slurmd --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" juju deploy slurmdbd --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" juju deploy slurmrestd --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" juju deploy mysql --channel "8.0/stable" ::: `juju deploy`{l=shell} only deploys the Slurm charms. `juju integrate`{l=shell} integrates the charms together which will trigger the necessary events for the Slurm daemons to reach active status. Run the following set of commands to integrate the Slurm daemons together: :::{code-block} shell juju integrate slurmctld sackd juju integrate slurmctld slurmd juju integrate slurmctld slurmdbd juju integrate slurmctld slurmrestd juju integrate slurmdbd mysql:database ::: After a few minutes, your Slurm deployment will become active. The output of the `juju status`{l=shell} command should be similar to the following: :::{terminal} :input: juju status Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp slurm charmed-hpc localhost/localhost 3.6.0 unsupported 17:16:37Z App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Exposed Message mysql 8.0.39-0ubun... active 1 mysql 8.0/stable 313 no sackd 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 sackd latest/edge 4 no slurmctld 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 slurmctld latest/edge 86 no slurmd 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 slurmd latest/edge 107 no slurmdbd 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 slurmdbd latest/edge 78 no slurmrestd 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 slurmrestd latest/edge 80 no Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message mysql/0* active idle 5 3306,33060/tcp Primary sackd/0* active idle 4 slurmctld/0* active idle 0 slurmd/0* active idle 1 slurmdbd/0* active idle 2 slurmrestd/0* active idle 3 Machine State Address Inst id Base AZ Message 0 started juju-d566c2-0 ubuntu@24.04 Running 1 started juju-d566c2-1 ubuntu@24.04 Running 2 started juju-d566c2-2 ubuntu@24.04 Running 3 started juju-d566c2-3 ubuntu@24.04 Running 4 started juju-d566c2-4 ubuntu@24.04 Running 5 started juju-d566c2-5 ubuntu@22.04 Running ::: :::: ::::{tab-item} Terraform :sync: terraform To deploy Slurm using the Juju Terraform client, first configure Terraform to use the Juju provider in your deployment plan. :::{code-block} terraform :caption: `main.tf` terraform { required_providers { juju = { source = "juju/juju" version = ">= 0.16.0" } } } ::: Now create the `slurm` model that will hold the deployment. The `slurm` model is the abstraction that will hold the resources — machines, integrations, network spaces, storage, etc. — that are provisioned as part of your Slurm deployment. This resource will direct Juju to create the model `slurm`: :::{code-block} terraform :caption: `main.tf` resource "juju_model" "slurm" { name = "slurm" cloud { name = "charmed-hpc" } } ::: With the `slurm` `juju_model` resource defined, declare the following set of modules in your Terraform plan. These modules will direct Juju to deploy the Slurm daemons with MySQL as the storage back-end for `slurmdbd`: :::{code-block} terraform :caption: `main.tf` module "sackd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/sackd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "slurmctld" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmctld/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "slurmd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "slurmdbd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmdbd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "slurmrestd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmrestd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "mysql" { source = "git::https://github.com/canonical/mysql-operator//terraform" juju_model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } ::: Declaring the modules only deploys the Slurm charms. Integrations are still required to trigger the necessary events for the Slurm daemons to reach active status. Declare the following set of resources in your deployment plan. These resources will direct Juju to integrate the Slurm daemons together: :::{code-block} terraform :caption: `main.tf` resource "juju_integration" "sackd-to-slurmctld" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.sackd.app_name endpoint = module.sackd.provides.slurmctld } application { name = module.slurmctld.app_name endpoint = module.slurmctld.requires.login-node } } resource "juju_integration" "slurmd-to-slurmctld" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.slurmd.app_name endpoint = module.slurmd.provides.slurmctld } application { name = module.slurmctld.app_name endpoint = module.slurmctld.requires.slurmd } } resource "juju_integration" "slurmdbd-to-slurmctld" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.slurmdbd.app_name endpoint = module.slurmdbd.provides.slurmctld } application { name = module.slurmctld.app_name endpoint = module.slurmctld.requires.slurmdbd } } resource "juju_integration" "slurmrestd-to-slurmctld" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.slurmrestd.app_name endpoint = module.slurmrestd.provides.slurmctld } application { name = module.slurmctld.app_name endpoint = module.slurmctld.requires.slurmrestd } } resource "juju_integration" "slurmdbd-to-mysql" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.mysql.application_name endpoint = module.mysql.provides.database } application { name = module.slurmdbd.app_name endpoint = module.slurmdbd.requires.database } } ::: With all the charm modules, `juju_model`, and `juju_integration` resources declared in your deployment plan, you are now ready time to deploy Slurm. Expand the dropdown below to see the full deployment plan: :::{dropdown} Full Slurm deployment plan :::{code-block} terraform :caption: `main.tf` :linenos: terraform { required_providers { juju = { source = "juju/juju" version = ">= 0.16.0" } } } resource "juju_model" "slurm" { name = "slurm" cloud { name = "charmed-hpc" } } module "sackd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/sackd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "slurmctld" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmctld/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "slurmd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "slurmdbd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmdbd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "slurmrestd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmrestd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } module "mysql" { source = "git::https://github.com/canonical/mysql-operator//terraform" juju_model_name = juju_model.slurm.name } resource "juju_integration" "sackd-to-slurmctld" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.sackd.app_name endpoint = module.sackd.provides.slurmctld } application { name = module.slurmctld.app_name endpoint = module.slurmctld.requires.login-node } } resource "juju_integration" "slurmd-to-slurmctld" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.slurmd.app_name endpoint = module.slurmd.provides.slurmctld } application { name = module.slurmctld.app_name endpoint = module.slurmctld.requires.slurmd } } resource "juju_integration" "slurmdbd-to-slurmctld" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.slurmdbd.app_name endpoint = module.slurmdbd.provides.slurmctld } application { name = module.slurmctld.app_name endpoint = module.slurmctld.requires.slurmdbd } } resource "juju_integration" "slurmrestd-to-slurmctld" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.slurmrestd.app_name endpoint = module.slurmrestd.provides.slurmctld } application { name = module.slurmctld.app_name endpoint = module.slurmctld.requires.slurmrestd } } resource "juju_integration" "slurmdbd-to-mysql" { model = juju_model.slurm.name application { name = module.mysql.application_name endpoint = module.mysql.provides.database } application { name = module.slurmdbd.app_name endpoint = module.slurmdbd.requires.database } } ::: ::: After verifying that your plan is correct, run the following set of commands to deploy Slurm using Terraform and the Juju provider: :::{code-block} shell terraform init terraform apply -auto-approve ::: :::{tip} You can run `terraform validate`{l=shell} to validate your Slurm deployment plan before applying it. You can also run `terraform plan`{l=shell} to see the speculative execution plan that Terraform will follow to deploy the Slurm charms, however, note that `terraform plan`{l=shell} will not actually execute plan. ::: After a few minutes, your Slurm deployment will become active. The output of the `juju status`{l=shell} command should be similar to the following: :::{terminal} :input: juju status Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp slurm charmed-hpc localhost/localhost 3.6.0 unsupported 17:16:37Z App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Exposed Message mysql 8.0.39-0ubun... active 1 mysql 8.0/stable 313 no sackd 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 sackd latest/edge 4 no slurmctld 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 slurmctld latest/edge 86 no slurmd 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 slurmd latest/edge 107 no slurmdbd 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 slurmdbd latest/edge 78 no slurmrestd 23.11.4-1.2u... active 1 slurmrestd latest/edge 80 no Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message mysql/0* active idle 5 3306,33060/tcp Primary sackd/0* active idle 4 slurmctld/0* active idle 0 slurmd/0* active idle 1 slurmdbd/0* active idle 2 slurmrestd/0* active idle 3 Machine State Address Inst id Base AZ Message 0 started juju-d566c2-0 ubuntu@24.04 Running 1 started juju-d566c2-1 ubuntu@24.04 Running 2 started juju-d566c2-2 ubuntu@24.04 Running 3 started juju-d566c2-3 ubuntu@24.04 Running 4 started juju-d566c2-4 ubuntu@24.04 Running 5 started juju-d566c2-5 ubuntu@22.04 Running ::: :::: ::::: (deploy-slurm-lxd)= ### Deploying Slurm on LXD The Slurm charms can deploy, manage, and operate Slurm on any [supported machine cloud](https://juju.is/docs/juju/juju-supported-clouds), however, each cloud has their own permutations. On LXD, if you deploy the charms to system containers rather than virtual machines, Slurm cannot use the recommended process tracking plugin `proctrack/cgroup`, and additional modifications must be made to the default LXD profile. To deploy the Slurm charms to virtual machines rather than system containers, pass the constraint `"virt-type=virtual-machine"`{l=shell} to Juju when deploying the charms: :::::{tab-set} ::::{tab-item} CLI :sync: cli :::{code-block} shell juju deploy sackd --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" --constraints="virt-type=virtual-machine" juju deploy slurmctld --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" --constraints="virt-type=virtual-machine" juju deploy slurmd --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" --constraints="virt-type=virtual-machine" juju deploy slurmdbd --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" --constraints="virt-type=virtual-machine" juju deploy slurmrestd --base "ubuntu@24.04" --channel "edge" --constraints="virt-type=virtual-machine" juju deploy mysql --channel "8.0/stable" --constraints="virt-type=virtual-machine" ::: :::: ::::{tab-item} Terraform :sync: terraform :::{code-block} terraform :caption: `main.tf` module "sackd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/sackd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name constraints = "arch=amd64 virt-type=virtual-machine" } module "slurmctld" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmctld/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name constraints = "arch=amd64 virt-type=virtual-machine" } module "slurmd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name constraints = "arch=amd64 virt-type=virtual-machine" } module "slurmdbd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmdbd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name constraints = "arch=amd64 virt-type=virtual-machine" } module "slurmrestd" { source = "git::https://github.com/charmed-hpc/slurm-charms//charms/slurmrestd/terraform" model_name = juju_model.slurm.name constraints = "arch=amd64 virt-type=virtual-machine" } module "mysql" { source = "git::https://github.com/canonical/mysql-operator//terraform" juju_model_name = juju_model.slurm.name constraints = "arch=amd64 virt-type=virtual-machine" } ::: :::: ::::: ## Set compute nodes to `IDLE` Compute nodes are initially enlisted with their state set to `DOWN` after your Slurm deployment becomes active. To set the compute nodes' state to `IDLE` so that they can start having jobs scheduled on them, use `juju run`{l=shell} to run the `resume` action on the leading controller: :::{code-block} shell juju run slurmctld/leader resume nodename="" ::: ::::{admonition} Tips :class: tip 1. You can get the hostname of all your compute nodes with `juju exec`{l=shell}: :::{code-block} shell juju exec --application slurmd -- hostname -s ::: 2. The `nodename` parameter of the `resume` action also accepts node ranges for setting the state of compute nodes to `IDLE` in bulk: :::{code-block} juju run slurmctld/leader resume nodename="[range]" ::: :::: ## Verify compute nodes are `IDLE` The sackd charm installs the Slurm client commands. To use `sinfo`{l=shell} to verify that a compute node's state is `IDLE`, run the following command with `juju exec`{l=shell} in your sackd unit: :::{code-block} shell juju exec -u sackd/0 -- sinfo --nodes $(juju exec -u slurmd/0 -- hostname) ::: To verify that the entire partition is `IDLE`, run `sinfo`{l=shell} without the `--nodes`{l=shell} flag: :::{code-block} shell juju exec -u sackd/0 -- sinfo :::