(access-grafana)= # How to access the Grafana dashboard This how-to guide shows you how to access the Grafana dashboard to explore and analyse metrics collected from your Charmed HPC cluster. ## Prerequisites Before accessing the Grafana dashboard, you should have: - {ref}`Connected your cluster's workload manager to COS `. ## Get the Grafana admin password and URL To get the admin password and URL for the Grafana dashboard, run the `get-admin-password` action on the Grafana application leader: ```shell juju run grafana/leader -m cos get-admin-password --wait 1m ``` ## Log into Grafana Copy the returned URL into the address bar of your preferred web browser to open the Grafana login page. Enter __admin__ as the username and the returned admin password as the password. ```{important} The `get-admin-password` action returns the initial admin password that is generated when COS is first deployed. The action will return a notice if the initial admin password has been changed by the COS administrator. If this is the case, you will need to get either a Grafana account or the admin password from your COS administrator. ```