--- relatedlinks: "[Get started with Juju](https://juju.is/docs/juju/tutorial), [Juju (Application)](https://juju.is/docs/juju/application), [Juju (Charm)](https://juju.is/docs/juju/charmed-operator), [Juju (Cloud)](https://juju.is/docs/juju/cloud), [Juju (Controller)](https://juju.is/docs/juju/controller)" --- (howto-initialize-cloud-environment)= # How to initialize cloud environment This how-to guide shows you how to initialize the cloud environment where you will deploy your Charmed HPC cluster. Charmed HPC uses a converged architecture where a machine cloud hosts compute plane applications like the cluster's workload manager and filesystem, and a Kubernetes (K8s) cloud hosts common control plane applications like identity management and observability services. It is __strongly recommended__ that you pair your machine cloud with a complimenting Kubernetes cloud to simplify the deployment and management of both clouds. For example, LXD should be paired with Canonical Kubernetes, Azure paired with AKS, AWS paired with EKS, and so on. :::{note} To Charmed HPC, a __cloud__ (or ___backing cloud___) is any entity that has an API that can provide compute, networking, and optionally storage resources to applications deployed on them. This includes public clouds such as Amazon Web Services, Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure and Kubernetes as well as private OpenStack-based clouds. Charmed HPC can also make use of environments, such as MAAS and LXD, which are not necessarily considered clouds, but can be treated as a cloud. ::: ## Prerequisites To initialize the cloud environment where you will deploy your Charmed HPC cluster, you will need: * Access to a [supported machine cloud](https://juju.is/docs/juju/juju-supported-clouds) * Access to a [supported Kubernetes cloud](https://juju.is/docs/juju/juju-supported-clouds) * The [Juju CLI client](https://juju.is/docs/juju/install-and-manage-the-client) installed on your machine (howto-initialize-machine-cloud)= ## Initialize machine cloud Follow the instructions below to initialize the `charmed-hpc` machine cloud. :::::{tab-set} ::::{tab-item} LXD :sync: lxd ### Prerequisites for LXD To use LXD as the machine cloud for your Charmed HPC cluster, you will need to have: * [Installed LXD](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/stable-5.21/installing/) * [Initialized LXD](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/stable-5.21/howto/initialize/) * [Exposed LXD to the network](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/stable-5.21/howto/server_expose/) * [Configured a server trust password](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/stable-5.21/server/#server-core:core.trust_password) :::{hint} If you're unfamiliar with operating an LXD server, see the [First steps with LXD](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/tutorial/first_steps/) tutorial for a high-level introduction to LXD. ::: ### Add LXD cloud to Juju To make your LXD cloud known to Juju, first create the file _charmed-hpc-cloud.yaml_ and enter the following content, substituting `` with the public address of your LXD server: :::{code-block} yaml :caption: `charmed-hpc-cloud.yaml` :linenos: clouds: charmed-hpc: type: lxd description: "Machine cloud for Charmed HPC" auth-types: [certificate, interactive] endpoint: ::: Now, after creating _charmed-hpc-cloud.yaml_, use `juju add-cloud`{l=shell} to add your LXD cloud to Juju: :::{code-block} shell juju add-cloud charmed-hpc --file ./charmed-hpc-cloud.yaml ::: ### Add LXD cloud credentials to Juju Before you can start deploying applications on your LXD server, you must add credentials for contacting your LXD server to Juju. Create the file _charmed-hpc-cloud-credentials.yaml_ and enter the following content, with `` substituted with your LXD server's configured trust password: :::{code-block} yaml :caption: `charmed-hpc-cloud-credentials.yaml` :linenos: credentials: charmed-hpc: accesskey: auth-type: interactive trust-password: ::: Now use `juju add-credential`{l=shell} to add the credentials for contacting your LXD server to Juju: :::{code-block} shell juju add-credential charmed-hpc --file ./charmed-hpc-cloud-credentials.yaml ::: :::{note} Juju will use your LXD server's configured trust password to automatically retrieve your server's TLS certificates. ::: ### Bootstrap LXD cloud controller With both your LXD server's endpoint and credentials added to Juju, use `juju bootstrap`{l=shell} to deploy the cloud controller: :::{code-block} shell juju bootstrap charmed-hpc charmed-hpc-controller ::: After a few minutes, your LXD cloud controller will become active. The output of `juju status`{l=shell} command should be similar to the following: :::{terminal} :input: juju status -m controller Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp controller charmed-hpc-controller charmed-hpc/default 3.6.2 unsupported 13:55:33-05:00 App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Exposed Message controller active 1 juju-controller 3.6/stable 116 no Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message controller/0* active idle 0 Machine State Address Inst id Base AZ Message 0 started juju-3b4cde-0 ubuntu@24.04 Running ::: :::: ::::: ## Initialize Kubernetes cloud After initializing the `charmed-hpc` machine cloud, follow the instructions below to initialize the `charmed-hpc-k8s` Kubernetes cloud. :::::{tab-set} ::::{tab-item} Canonical Kubernetes :sync: lxd ### Prerequisites for Canonical Kubernetes To use Canonical Kubernetes as the Kubernetes cloud for your Charmed HPC cluster, you will need to have: * [Initialized a machine cloud](#howto-initialize-machine-cloud) * [Installed and bootstrapped Canonical Kubernetes](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/canonical-kubernetes/latest/snap/howto/install/snap/) * [Enabled the default load balancer](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/canonical-kubernetes/latest/snap/howto/networking/default-loadbalancer/) :::{hint} If you're unfamiliar with operating a Canonical Kubernetes cluster, see the [Canonical Kubernetes tutorials](https://documentation.ubuntu.com/canonical-kubernetes/latest/snap/tutorial/) for a high-level introduction to Canonical Kubernetes. ::: ### Add Canonical Kubernetes cloud to deployed controller To make your Canonical Kubernetes cloud known to Juju and use the same controller as your machine cloud, pipe the output of `k8s config`{l=shell} to `juju add-k8s`{l=shell} by running the following command: :::{code-block} shell sudo k8s config | \ juju add-k8s --controller charmed-hpc-controller charmed-hpc-k8s ::: `juju add-k8s`{l=shell} will immediately add your Canonical Kubernetes cloud to the controller of your machine cloud. The output of `juju clouds`{l=shell} should be similar to the following: :::{terminal} :input: juju clouds --controller charmed-hpc-controller Clouds available on the controller: Cloud Regions Default Type charmed-hpc 1 default lxd charmed-hpc-k8s 1 default k8s ::: :::: ::::: ## Next Steps Now that both the `charmed-hpc` machine cloud and `charmed-hpc-k8s` Kubernetes cloud are initialized, you can start deploying applications with Juju. Go to the {ref}`howto-setup-deploy-slurm` guide for how to deploy Slurm as the workload manager of your Charmed HPC cluster.