(howtos)= # How-to guides (howto-getstarted)= ## Getting started These how-to guides will get you started with Charmed HPC by taking you through the deployment of your own Charmed HPC cluster. - {ref}`deploy-workload-manager` (howto-observability)= ## Monitoring and observing Charmed HPC These how-to guides cover how to connect your Charmed HPC cluster to the [Canonical Observability Stack](https://charmhub.io/topics/canonical-observability-stack) — also known as __COS__ — to monitor and observe your cluster. - {ref}`connect-workload-manager-to-cos` - {ref}`access-grafana` ```{toctree} :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: getting-started/index observability/index ```